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Ann Wolf

Ann Wolf

Great Nudity!

Great Nudity!, White, Blonde Hair, Medium Breasts, Real Breasts, Large Body

Nude Roles:

, IT

Top Scenes

Plankton (1994)
Sexy, bikini

Plankton (1994)
Nude, breasts 00:53:00 Ann doffs a pink bikini top, busting out her round rackage while arguing with a dude in bed. (27 secs)

Plankton (1994)
Nude, breasts 00:56:00 During a noisy sex tussle we get a close-up of Ann’s milk-spout getting suckled, followed by an overhead view of her wobbling whoppers as she’s getting banged. (29 secs)

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Ann burst onto the Skintertainment Scene in 1994 with quite an impressive blip on our trusty Skin-o-Scope here at Skin Central thanks to her part in the low-budget Italian horror flick Plankton, which can be found at your friendly local video rental outlet under the name Creatures from the Abyss. Regardless of the title, the movie features the very lovely, quite naked Ann in a lovely little sequence where she first bares her bodacious breasts, then proceeds to hoist them with her own two hands. She even gives them a bit of a shake for good measure! How Skintertaining! Oh yeah, there’s also some sort of slimy man-eating, woman-violating, murderous sea-creature mixed in for good measure…Unfortunately, Ann’s career hasn’t quite gone anywhere from there; perhaps she’s put it on extended hiatus until another murderous sea-monster flick comes along. We’ll be there when it does, bella mia! Until then, ciao


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8 Pics & 5 Clips
Nude, breasts 00:53:00 Ann doffs a pink bikini top, busting out her round rackage while arguing with a dude in bed. (27 secs)
Nude, breasts 00:56:00 During a noisy sex tussle we get a close-up of Ann’s milk-spout getting suckled, followed by an overhead view of her wobbling whoppers as she’s getting banged. (29 secs)
Nude, breasts 00:15:00 Ann opens the scene cupping her sizable suckables with requisite blue-light atmosphere. (26 secs)
Nude, breasts 01:00:00 Quick glimpse of Ann as she’s sprawled out nude in bed, with visible bosom and side-bunnage. (12 secs)


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